Saturday, April 26, 2008

osCommerce and PHP5

The splendid little e-commerce application that could[n't]: osCommerce is a bit quirky running on the "bleeding edge" of PHP[5]. Just as a quick heads up to you AND any would-be script-kiddies it requires that both of the following are enabled - just as a caution, anyone concerned about their sites well-being and knows anything about PHP configs should get a bucket:

register_globals = On
register_long_arrays = On

Everyone done dry-heaving? Good! I was absolutely beside myself when I saw what was required to run this application. It's been around for a few years now and it is shocking that they still operate with such disregard for online purchasing security AND performance.

So anyway, if you're seeing issues in your admin area to the tune of tep_href_link NONSSL or really anything related to tep_href_link and then some path (check your query string) it's likely you need to enable those bountiful long arrays.

*Insert drawn out sigh here*

Can't we all just shopify?!?!

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